ICCS Virtual Info Session
If you are looking to study Classics, Classical archaeology, or Art History abroad in Spring 2022 or any semester thereafter, joins us for an upcoming virtual information session about The Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome. Sessions run on Friday, January 29, at 11:00am, 12:00pm, 1:00pm, and 2:00pm CST.
See past webinar here: https://wabash.zoom.us/rec/share/aLCjgh1g4JiwQg-_2G089i8EqRaSzVldxii293JGK9pEQsNaybBrNoXWp0Z3JkLB.K9TpsT3iHmc6ey1C
Learn about:
- Applying to the Centro
- Financial aid for your semester abroad
- The student experience
- The faculty team for 2021-22, led by Professor Kathleen Coleman of Harvard
- The curriculum planned for 2021-22, including Rome’s history, topography, and art, and the urban experience of Rome’s full spectrum of inhabitants
- The study trips planned for 2021-22, including two four-day outings to Campania, an overnight trip to sites along the Via Appia and Via Latina, and a new excursion to stunning sites in Northern Italy (Lake Como, Brescia, Verona, Ravenna, Rimini, and others).
Following the session, students are encouraged to contact Professor Keane, Classics Study Abroad Advisor at ckeane@wustl.edu.
Zoom Link